We Can’t Let The Lame Duck Declare A Civil War

Independent Americans
2 min readNov 11, 2020

Today the president fired senior defense officials, just days after getting fired himself. Of course it’s terrifying to imagine what that means for our relationships with other nations, particularly those at which we now have troops; however, what Americans should be most scared of is what he can and may do now if we were to again express dislike and disapprovals of him and all that he’s done. When he was notified that he’s been fired while golfing this past Saturday, it’s easy to imagine how infuriated he must have been when he realized that he not just lost but also how happy his loss made the world. He drove home from the golf course watching crowds of people lined up along the path cheering for his impending departure. Knowing how he is, that must have made him sad.

By firing senior defense officials, it could mean he is gearing up to ensure no one stops him from using the Insurrection Act to deploy active duty forces against our own people when they protest against him or continue celebrating the fact that he’s been fairly fired by our democracy. In the past, many military officials have indicated the dangers in doing so, and with the firing of more and replacing them with loyalists, we have to question… What will he do if and when more people let their voices be heard?

At this point it’s clear that a new president will be sworn in in January and the lame duck will be evicted. Should we then be patient, allow our new leaders to move the transition forward, and hold off on doing anything that may potentially trigger the president? Under normal circumstances, the answer is never to let anyone bully others into doing, or not doing, what they wish. But in this case, with an unhinged, insecure, and ruthless lame duck with far more power than he deserves, for our own wellbeing, it seems like it may be our safest option.

It’s a sad society when we are scared of the leaders that govern us, but that is the only strategy the lame duck president knows how to employ. He successfully manipulates people by instilling in them fear, and given that he has converted many towards corruption, we probably should be a little scared of him. Maybe we should just wait for him to be kicked out of his job by those that know best how to do it before we continue our public celebrations. Afterall, after he’s gone, all he has left to look forward to are massive amounts of litigation against him that will likely ruin him and his family and followers for a long long time. That’ll be far more fun to watch than to allow the man to declare a civil war, one in which his supporters have the military on their side.



Independent Americans

no to party politics, yes to perfect policies